In this project, I was asked to create promotional materials and merchandise for a hypothetical exhibit about a famous graphic designer. We were asked to research our chosen designer, include a quote from them, and write a short essay. 
I chose Chip Kidd because of his vast and varied body of work, and because of his vibrant personality. I was inspired by Kidd's body of work as a whole, which he detailed in Chip Kidd: Book Two.  I gave the potential "viewers" a taste of what the "exhibit" would be about by including a grid of my favorite Chip Kidd covers. I noticed a theme of bright saturated colors, particularly the highlighter yellow, so that became the primary color throughout the materials. For the inside, I re-created the inner pages of a novel. Since Kidd is mainly a book cover designer, I thought it would be interesting to give him space where he doesn't normally feature: the inside of a novel. I took inspiration from old paperback novels from the 80's-90's, and placed a halftone image of Kidd as a nod to the comic book covers he had designed.
Final Solution
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