Created a stylized slide deck for McDonald's 2022 Lifestyle Photoshoot. Explored previously utilized photography styles, and explored new directions targeting Gen Z. Gathered photographs from external sources to communicate photographic styles. Completed under the guidance of Mckenzie Moore, Design Lead, and Mark Czupryna, Creative Director.
Global People Teams reached out to me to refresh their internal website design. They wanted new links to be added, and for the Employee Experience chart to be streamlined. 
Slide deck Design
A slide deck template to be used internally by Agency123. I was given a list of slides to include but was also encouraged to research and see additional options. In the end, the final slide deck included seven titles, an agenda, an overview, a list, a large image, a storyboard template, an options template, an email template, a phone template, two dividers, and two end slides. Completed under the guidance of Mckenzie Moore, Design Lead.
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