For this project, I was asked to experiment with the concept of Remix - making something new out of already existing material. Specifically for this project, I was to combine two unrelated album cover art pieces into one cohesive band or artist identity. I was given two albums to work with and could manipulate any of the images or text inside the albums. I could only use colors pulled from the albums and had to create a new band and album name from the letters of the original bands and albums. The two albums I received were Brother to Brother by Gino Vannelli, and Schmew by The Knew.
This project was divided into two portions: the album cover and the deliverables. The album cover and vinyl hubs would serve as the design base for all of the deliverables, which could be anything from apparel to a motion graphic. I chose to create an apparel line because I wanted more practice creating merchandise designs.
Before we could start designing, we created a visual library of all of the assets that were used in each album. We also pulled the fonts and colors. I decided to not use the original font styles because they were both very similar. There was also the hand lettering on the cake in the second album, which allowed me to experiment with hand lettering later on in the process.
First drafts
For my first drafts of the album cover, I tried to experiment with silhouette and color. I wanted to create a cover that could be seen and interpreted from very far away, and something that would stand apart from other album covers on a shelf. The circular form of the cake combined with a man reminded me of halos on angels, so I came up with several interpretations of that idea. In the end, I decided on the central layout. 
Final Album cover
Final deliverables
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